Financial Social Work Initiative Steering Committee Contact List
Contact Us
Seante Hatcher, LCSW-C
Assistant Dean, Office of Continuing Professional Education, UMSSW
Chair, Financial Social Work Initiative
University Partners
Haksoon Ahn, PhD, MSW
Associate Professor, UMSSW
Brittney Brookins
Senior Media and Public Relations Specialist, Office of Communications and Public Affairs, UMB
John Cagle, PhD
Associate Professor, UMSSW
Iris Cardenas, PhD
Assistant Professor, UMSSW
Fulvio Cativo
Associate Dean of External Affairs, UMSSW
Denise Chop, MSW, LCSW-C
Clinical Instructor and Coordinator for Field Education, UMSSW
Julie Cronan, MSW
Research Specialist, UMSSW
Becky Davis, MSW, LMSW
Adjunct Professor, UMSSW
Assistant Director, The Center for Restorative Change
Aloysius "Al" Essien
Director, Corporate and Foundation Relations, Office of Philanthropy, UMB
Jodi Jacobson Frey, PhD, MSW, LCSW-C, CEAP
Associate Dean for Research and Professor, UMSSW
Chair, Social Work in the Workplace & Employee Assistance Sub-specialization
Jinhee Kim, PhD
Professor and Assistant Director
Family and Consumer Sciences Program Leader
University of Maryland Extension
Jack Mirabella, Esq., MSW
Adjunct Professor, UMSSW
Health Insurance Specialist, Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services
Katherine J. Morris, Ph.D., LCSW-C
Program Director, UMBC at The Universities at Shady Grove, Baccalaureate Social Work Program
Wendy Shaia, EdD
Clinical Associate Professor, UMSSW
Executive Director, The Center for Restorative Change
Kira Silk, LMSW
Director, Grand Challenges for Social Work, UMSSW
Kimberly Street, MSW, LPN, CCM
Clinical Field Instructor, The Center for Restorative Change Enoch Pratt Library Program
Henriette Taylor, LMSW
Assistant Dean for Student Services,
Office of Student Services, UMSSW
Dianna Vass, MBA, PhD
Associate Director
Corporate and Foundation Relations, UMB
Community Partners
Jeffrey Anvari-Clark, PHD, MA, MSW
Assistant Professor, University of North Dakota Dept. of Social Work
Christine Callahan, PhD, MSW, LCSW-C
Financial Social Work Solutions
Sara Johnson, MSW
Adjunct Professor, UMSSW
Co-Founder and COO, CASH Campaign of Maryland
Robin Mckinney, MSW
Adjunct Professor, UMSSW
Co-Founder and CEO, CASH Campaign of Maryland
Julie Miller, PhD, MSW
Director of Thought Leadership, Financial Resilience, AARP
Helene Raynaud
Tisa Silver Canady, EdD, MBA
Founder and Director, Maryland Center for Collegiate Financial Wellness
Meg Woodside, MBA, MSW
Trustee, The Woodside Foundation
Founding FSWI Chair
Anthony Carter, MSW, LCSW-C
Director, Practice Improvement & Consulting, National Council for Mental Wellbeing
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